Thursday, September 28, 2006

Oktoberfest 2006 (short version)

I have been waiting to post about my first Euro-trip from this weekend to the beer drinking Mecca known as Oktoberfest in Munich until I get some pictures from the other folks in attendence. However, those pics have been slow to come in (and there are some great ones), so I figured I would just throw out a few here to appease my demanding public.
Long story short, I hopped in a car very early saturday morning with Matt and Agnes (Matt is one of the 3 Americans in the office, and Agnes is his girlfriend) as it is a 6 hour drive to Munich. On our way out, we picked up Robbie and Laura (two more Irish kids) who live just across the border in Germany. That right, I was the proverbial 'fifth wheel'. Here is the whole crew minus the big guy (Matt, Agnes, Robbie, Laura from left to right):
It was a long and cramped drive, but it went by quick and before we knew it we were at Oktoberfest and enjoying the sites.
Really Oktoberfest is just like a giant carnival with massive beer halls and copious amounts of beer and food being consumed (and I think other cultural celebrations, but we focused on the beer and food portion). Well there are several key pictures that better document our brief time, but basically we wondered around for a little bit, eventually got into a beer garden and did this,
over and over again. We sat in this beer garden for about 7 hours and met a lot of different people and drank many, many, many liters of beer. Good times were had by all.

I will add more when I can, so be sure to check back. I am off to London tomorrow to visit my good pal Timmy, so I imagine I will have yet another post to shove down your throats here soon enough. Cheers.


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