Monday, December 17, 2007

The Big 30

Well I am almost 1 month late posting this and thus 1 month further into my golden years, but I recently joined a select group of people living in their 30’s. Luckily this year I had a small gathering of international dignitaries to stand in for my friends and family back in Seattle.

That is right, Ireland, Belgium/African Congo, Belgium/Turkey, France, and Ireland (again) all came by the new pad to wish this American all the best and enjoy one of the best things ever…raclette!

Honestly not much is different, except for the rapidly multiplying number of gray hairs that have to be dealt with and the increased gas-iness (thanks for the warning Steve). All in all, I would give this birthday my seal of approval.



At 5:13 PM , Blogger DAD said...

rick wants to know when you are going to hamburg? I told him when I see some big bucks up front to be split 70/30, 70 to dad 30 to your mom. I know you are giving this your upmost attention. Drink a few beers and think about it. I noticed that the same theme of your trips and gatherings is the same world beer tasting. the blogs are getting shorter, are you running out of words.


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